
Safeguarding Information: Navigating Data encryption

What is Data encryption?

It is the method of encoding data from normal text to cipher text so people can't read it. Data encryption works on 2 fronts. Inflight data and data at rest, one is transferred digitally while the other one is stored in the cloud. These algorithms help cybersecurity, ensuring the integrity of the data and authentication.

Encryption approach

3-step process - authenticating message to verify the source, check the content integrity, enforce non-repudiation to keep legitimate activity

Types of Data Encryption

Asymmetric - public key and private key for both encryption and decryption

Symmetric - single key

Benefits of Data Encryption:

When other organizations convert to cloud environments, the need to secure the integrity of their data is very important. These data encryption methods and solutions offer control, empowering them to protect their data in the cloud and on-premises. Navigating the world of encryption is important for anyone who wants to protect their data. Whether they use symmetric or asymmetric understanding these concepts are crucial in cybersecurity


Iduka Naranbaatar

Iduka Naranbaatar